The stigma previously associated with Couple Counselling is changing
Some think couples therapy is for those on the brink of divorce. Others see it as a sign of strength and see their relationship as a real priority and worth investing in and a way of maintaining their connection. I believe the perception of Relationship Counselling is changing. We take care of our physical health, we are getting better at taking care of our mental health and I think there are now many of us who see the importance of nurturing our relationships with the help of an appropriate professional. We seem to think relationships should just come naturally. I don’t think this is the case at all.
Think about it, everything you have done so far in life is because someone was there to help and support you. So why wouldn’t you seek support to strengthen and nourish the bond you have with your partner. So when you see or feel the signs that something is not right, don’t wait for years of unhappiness to set in. I sometimes see couples that have spent many unhappy years together and feel sad they have not come to counselling earlier.
There is a saying that most relationships end because of ice not fire meaning that a gradual distancing occurs slowly over a number of years and then not knowing what else to do, couples separate. When something feels “off” emotionally in a relationship don’t dismiss it.
Feelings don’t go away, they build and need attending to for us to feel close again. It’s 2020, don’t let the so called “stigma” of previous decades stop you from seeking help and getting the careful attention and support for one of the most precious things in your life – your relationship.
By the way, it doesn’t have to be Relationship Counselling that you want or need in order to invest in your relationship. You might be happy to browse through the book and website recommendations I have listed under Resources here on my website. If you would like to chat about resources more specific to your needs – please get in touch, I would be happy to help. If you are thinking about counselling but are unsure about how privacy and confidentiality are managed please phone me to chat about this. I assure you confidentiality and privacy are my highest priority. You are reading this blog for a reason, so don’t waste another minute get in touch. 😊